


马圣恩(Ma Sungeun)(1984—), 韩国仁川人。主要研究方向为儿童文学、比较文学,先后在国内外核心学术期刊上发表论文20余篇。








1.《朝鲜儿童文学中的“中朝友谊”书写——20世纪50年代<儿童文学>为例》, 浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版) 44卷第6期,201911月。

2.《The Children's verse in DPRK and the 3rd Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the WPK》,《Story & Image telling NO.172019630日。

3.《The Possibility of a Children's Literary Canon in Unification Era (2)-Focused on Nursery Rhyme and Children's Verse in 1920s》,《Journal of Korea Association of Literature for Children and Young Adult》NO.24 2019630日。

4.《The Nursery Rhyme and Children's Verse that Reflected Changes in DPRK-Focused on Children's Literature in 2018》 ,《The Studies of Korean Language and Literature》 NO.64 2019531日。

5.《The Possibility of a Children’s Literary Canon in Unification Era-Focused on The Rabbit and the Monkey》,《Journal of Korea Association of Literature for Children and Young Adult》NO.2320181231日。

6.《A Study on Gang, So-cheon’s Young Adult Poetry and Children’s Verse that Published in DPRK》,《A Study on the Korea Children’s Literature》2015531

7.《Trends of the Children’s Literature of DPRK in the Early Period of Kim Jong-un》,《The Studies of Korean Language and Literature》2014131日。

8.《A study on Children’s Literature of DPRK in the 1960s and Proletarian internationalis m,《Journal of Korea Association of Literature for Children and Young Adult》201361日。

9.《朝鲜民族歌剧 <春香传> 研究》,《The Journal of the Humanities for Unification》20121130

10.《1960年代韩国<儿童文学>和国际主义》,(北京)“东亚的文化翻译-理解和误解”国际学术会议, 20121125日。

11.《韩国姜小泉的童谣童诗研究》, (首尔)南北统一和平国际研讨会, 20121019日。

12.《Current Status and Tasks of Study on Children’s Literature of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea》,《North Korean Studies Review》2012831日。

13.《A Study on Juvenile Novels of Korean-Chinese in the 1980-1990s: Focussing on juvenile novels published in The Anthology of Children’s Literature of Korean-Chinese in the 20th Century》,《A Study on the Korea Children’s Literature 》20111231日。

14.《A Study on Children’s Literature of DPRK in the 1950s and East Asian Sense-Focusing on the images of Chinese people in the works》 ,《Journal of Korea Association of Literature for Children and Young Adult》 201161日。

15.《A Study on Comparative Literature in DPRK in the 1940-50s》,《The Journal of Korean Studies》 2011531

16.《1950年代韩国<儿童文学>与东亚-作品中的中国人形象为中心》, (仁川)东亚“国际主义”复原国际研讨会, 20101125日。

17.《A Study on Geum-chul Lee’s Science Fiction-Focusing on Children’s Literature Magazine of North Korea》,《Journal of Korea Association of Literature for Children and Young Adult》 201061日。

18.《A Consideration of Process of Adapting the Shamanist Epic to Traditional Fairy Tale through Princess Bari》,《Journal of Korea Association of Literature for Children and Young Adult 》20091230日。


1.《战后韩国与朝鲜的文学艺术与文化重构》(合著), 韩国亦乐出版社, 2018年。

2. 《世代与转换:同一时代韩国朝鲜文学的感性》(合著), 韩国京进出版社,2015年。

3.《三代承袭与青年领导者的脚步》(合著), 韩国京进出版社, 2014年。

4.《解放时期朝鲜儿童文学艺术的形成与发展》(合著),韩国亦乐出版社 2012年。


1.主持中国博士后科学基金第66批面上资助项目 (2019M662117)



优秀学术科研论文奖(韩国)仁荷大学颁发 2012.2.2

韩国国家仁济青年奖  (韩国)仁济财团颁发 2013.12.3

优秀博士生毕业生奖(韩国)仁荷大学颁发 2018.2.13

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